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In 1981, author & humanitarian Linda Cox moved to Kenya with her husband and three children. It was there that she met Simon and Kedress Nziramakenga—Rwandan refugees. A friendship was formed that has spanned three decades. When genocide devastated Rwanda, Linda and her husband, Jim, went to Rwanda to visit their friends. Simon's dream for "wholistic" restoration captured Jim and Linda. With their family, they are committed to seeing his dream materialize. The book They Had to Run is one effort to do so and tells the story of the Nziramakengas' perilous childhood.

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What the Mirror Says To You

Could you get excited about something you can do that will change your moods, your expectations—even your results? I first began to discover this principle when a friend cautiously whispered, "My mirror talks to me." As I listened, I realized that her mirror was no friend. In fact, it was regularly telling her that she was fat, stupid and unloved. Incredibly, two weeks later, another woman told me that her mirror talked to her. Again, the mirror was unkind. My curiosity was piqued. I began an informal survey that has lasted more than five years asking scores of women the…

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